Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 2nd March 2015 at 2pm
Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary
Mike Pitchford - Treasurer
John Bulmer
Kate Fletcher
Bob Hickson
Ron Kidson
David Thomas - ex-officio representing Boningale PC
David Beechey – ex-officio representing Donington-with Boscobel PC


1. Apologies received from Peter Leigh, Michael Ward (ex-officio representing AlbrightonPC)    
did not attend.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 2nd February 2015 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.– MP reported that the current bank balance was £2380.48

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Boningale Homes Ltd (BHL) development of the Land East of Shaw Lane
RS reported that he has sent on 22/02/15 a copy of the Society’s comments (as sent to BHL) to Richard Fortune (SC Planning Officer) with cc Michael Ward for Alb PC and Cllr Malcolm Pate (SC). The letter asked Richard Fortune if he would come to a committee meeting to discuss the development. ACTION: RS to chase up RF for a reply.

b) Albrighton Place Plan
RK asked if the Inspector had sent any comments to Alb PC. DB was not aware of any.

c) Public WC in Crown Car Park
Discussion of the situation as currently understood.

d) George Evans’s suggested funding application for a community project from the committee he attends.
Possible Projects are:

  • Another Planter
  • Funding to assist re-opening/running of the Public WC – this may be helpful to Alb PC but we need to discuss this with Alb PC for their suggestions/advice as how we may help IF the WC was to re-open

George had initially suggested a Planter outside the Red House but this was already a green area where plants may be put directly in the ground and the Planters were better used on hard landscaping in order to provide some flowers and greenery to brighten up the concrete and bitumen surfaces.  ACTION: RK to speak to George Evans for his views

e) Station Master’s Building
The owner was still keen for PW to act as “agent”.  PW had passed Mr W’s proposal to refurbish and rent the building to the owner and was facilitating this possible new usage. PW had liaised with the owner and Mr W who had fitted new locks on behalf of the owner. The owner had asked PW to hold onto a set of keys.

f) Station Pedestrian Access Ramp
RS reported that he had received an email from NR who were reviewing the possibility of providing a new type of permanent lighting which would be fixed to the handrail rather than on their building. They had provided photographs of the system in use at Leominster Station.
ACTION: RS would continue the dialogue with Adam Checkley (NR).

Mark Pritchard, MP, had called another meeting of all parties for Friday 27th March 2015 at 1pm at the Red House which he would chair. RS had been asked to provide him with current contact details for all the parties and he will issue formal invitations.

ACTION: RS will check if the Red House lounge is available. [Post Meeting Note: The lounge is available and Cllr Sylvia Pledger has booked it for the meeting]

KF reported that they are continuing to try to recruit a Secretary and an Events Organiser. More Fayres will be run including one this summer.

h) Old Barclays Bank Building. ACTION: PW had no reply from the owners but then discovered that they had been wound up but that their parent company was still in existence and based at the same address so he would now write to them to ask for their proposals for completing the half finished refurbishment which was an eyesore.

6. AOB
a) DB reported that Alb PC had now given notice on their occupation of the office in the High St. and had been asked to consider moving into the Library.

b) BH suggested that the Society needed a plan to deal with the eyesores which are still there after 4 years of trying to get them dealt with  – all agreed so ACTION: BH will get a copy of the report by JB/PL which was the catalyst which started the formation of the society, discuss with PL and propose a plan of action.
Meanwhile ACTION: PW will write again to SC to complain about the poor state of the roads in the village and asking for their proposals.

c)  DB reported that the Crime Prevention Panel had asked that the tree in the centre of the Crown car park be removed as it was blocking CCTV sight lines. JB (Tree Warden) said the tree was a self seeded silver birch and of no value/beauty and supported its removal. ACTION: DB would ensure that the Alb PC would contact Marstons so that they are aware of this need to remove the tree – before the car park resurfacing is started so that it may be dealt with at the same time.

Next  meeting:  2p.m. Tuesday 7th April at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house).  This is the day after Easter Monday

May Committee Meeting will be Tuesday 5th May (day after the bank holiday)

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October
Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 12th October 2015